Heritage Destination Consulting launches Heritage Interpretation Training Courses!
Released on: August 4, 2008, 5:45 pm
Press Release Author: HDC / Cris Emberson
Industry: Education
Press Release Summary: HDC launches interpretive training courses.
Press Release Body: Heritage Destination Consulting has launched a new section to its website, http://www.heritagedestination.com/default.aspx highlighting the range of interpretive training courses the company is now offering. The HDC website contains a wealth of information on cultural, environmental and heritage interpretation, has created this new section dedicated to interpretive training for people involved in heritage, museums, culture and countryside access. The section has a list of courses and links to a variety of resources and articles on heritage interpretation. "This is a really useful addition to the site, and a great reference for people wanting to learn about interpretive planning and design" said Crispian Emberson, Managing Director of Heritage Destination Consulting.
Visit the new section at: http://www.heritagedestination.com/interp-training.aspx
Heritage Destination Tourism Consulting is an international heritage interpretation and tourism destination development consultancy based in the UK with offices in the USA, Chile, South Africa and China. Heritage Destination Tourism Consulting specialises in heritage interpretation, tourism destination development and tourism destination marketing of sustainable environmental, cultural and heritage products and businesses throughout the world. We regularly work with visitor centres, national parks, tourist attractions, heritage centres, museums, tourism partnerships, local, regional and national government agencies, NGO's, cultural, heritage and environmental groups in Asia, Africa, Europe and North and South America. To find out more about interpretive planning visit: http://www.heritagedestination.com/interpretive-planning.aspx interpretive fabrication: http://www.heritagedestination.com/heritageinterp-fabrication.aspx and interpretive design: http://www.heritagedestination.com/heritageinterp-design.aspx
Web Site: http://www.heritagedestination.com/default.aspx